New mint mum

Click here to get to the episode page where you’ll find all the information about mint and see a photograph of Anya’s Great Grandmother who lives in Kyiv.

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With each podcast I spend time on the show notes. Once I have written them, I sent them to the expert to check. So this week I have been emailing Jean Levy who holds a National Collection of Mint. Her enthusiasm for mint is infectious. So you can imagine my excitement when I drove past a sign for the National Herb Centre, near Banbury! It did not disappoint. I found all the mints and more, that Jean had recommended I could put in my new mint patch. You’ll find all their names on the Episode page.

Thinking of Anya who said they grow their mint near the back door, easy to reach and pick, I shall be positioning some of my new mints within easy reach of the back door + kettle.

I have so far resisted adding a peony to my small garden, though I am glad to see that others have not. A friend sent me the photograph below this week. I’m sure she won’t regret her decision. I am very excited to hear from anyone who has planted a peony as a result of episode 1. Or for that matter a Passion flower from episode 2…..

One of the things I am currently working on is how best to promote the weekly podcast on Instagram. I have lots of audio so the challenge is sharing that audio via reels. As with all the learning challenges of this project, the best way to do it, is just to do it! And then do it again before you forget how you did it! So if you are on instagram, I’d love you to follow Ourplantstories_podcast and if you can re-share some of the content about the podcasts that would be amazing. I continue to tell people about the podcast whenever I visit a new garden centre - it’s a great excuse to visit more garden centres! There are lots of wonderful small ones, run by such committed and hardworking growers, so if you happen to be in one and can spread the word too - I’d be very grateful.

And do free free to drop comments in the box below - I love hearing about other people’s plant passions!


Anyone else’s inbox look like this?


A crash course in marketing