If you can do one thing

Good news - the trailer has wended its way through the systems and now appeared in Apple podcasts as well as Spotify and Google. I’d love you to take a look, play the trailer and and then click on +Follow. In 3 weeks time, Our Plant Stories will appear in your ‘library’ (bedside table) in ‘latest episodes’ (top of the book pile) and you’ll then be able to download (listen) to it.

If you need a reminder about finding podcasts have a quick re-read of the blogpost from the 9th of Feb. It’s a great way to start your podcasting journey, I know you are going to find lots of other great things to listen to. And as an incentive I thought I would reshare this lovely list of gardening shows and podcasts from Owen the Gardener.

The podcast will of course also appear and you will be able to listen to it, here in this regular blog post too.

Enough about the tech…..back to the creative stuff. This week I have had wonderful conversations with gardeners and about gardens. They’ve ranged from learning about Magnolias in small urban spaces to Oak Trees at Chequers, and a garden with a wonderful storyteller in her 80s. I am hopeful that all of these will find their way into Our Plant Stories.

As I write this blog post, I also know that Janine who drew the logo is sketching away too. We agreed that the lettering on the logo needs to be a bit easier to read - so watch this space. She is also working on a little something that I shall hope to reveal here first.

This made me smile! To be honest I don’t think my children share my passion for gardening …YET. However they are extremely tolerant of Mum’s trips to garden centres and the boot of the car filled with soil and plants that need carrying through the house to the garden. They did, even as small children, notice my land grabs, as the small patch of grass got smaller, as a flowerbed would mysteriously grow by a few inches.

A couple of people have asked how they can they share this regular blog with friends. My advice would be to share the website address - www.ourplantstories.com and then they can take a look and sign up. You are all already doing a fantastic job, I am amazed and excited at the number of unique visits the site has already had and the number of countries from which those visits have come - so far we have 24 countries on the list! Proof that plant stories really do travel.

The ‘to do’ list is getting ticked off and thanks to friends and family, who alongside all of you, are helping to nuture and grow this Plant Stories community. Special thanks should also go to Andrew from the Motoring podcast show who has been amazing at resizing logos at very short notice!

I’d love to hear how your podcasting journey is going - remember we love recommendations.


Dad was a Lithographic Platemaker


We Have A Trailer