I think it needs a Ant
At this time of year Google is your friend. Need a florist in Toronto? Need a magazine subscription for a gift? Or in my case: need an image of an ant!
Just needs a few ants!
The plant theme seems to have extended into a bit of freestitching, which is something I learned to do during lockdown. So when the list of things that needs doing seems rather daunting, turning to the trusty, if rather heavy Singer sewing machine, is very calming. The stalk you can see in this picture leads to a very tall sunflower - perfect I thought for a height chart! There are some bees and butterflies, another ladybird but I think I need a few ants …..just along the bottom of the flowerpot. I am as you can see, trying all ways to give the next generation of little people the gardening bug or should I say garden bugs!
Research continues for series 3 and I spoke to a man this week who has become fascinated by seeds. He has travelled all over the world speaking to people about them and has two fridges in which he stores his own collection. Immediately I thought of the rather haphazard way in which I store my packets. I have a very beautiful plant story about seeds so this feels like very good progress. I also made a call to a fourth generation bulb grower in the UK. The fourth generation director Adam, was so patient at answering my questions and I hope that I’ll also be sharing the story and expertise next year. I noticed on Instagram yesterday that his company has just been given a Royal Warrant. I am already a bit excited to visit bulb fields in March. I am not going to lie, at this time of year it is very easy to get distracted by so many other things but it feels good to still be making a bit of progress on podcast ideas for next year. If you happen to have a plant story that you would like to share, do get in touch in the comments below or email me sally@ourplantstories.com, I am always on the look out for new ones.
Back at the Garden Media Guild Awards I should not end my review without pointing you towards the winner of the ‘Radio Broadcast or Podcast of the Year’ category. The BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine Podcast won for a edition called Gardening with Cancer with Matt Biggs. The judges said: The winner is an uplifting listen despite a potentially difficult subject matter. There is incisive frankness and humour, as well as the sharing of practical ideas, and advice for those who would like to help but might feel awkward. The joy and value of gardening has never been put more convincingly than this - a podcast full of optimism, candour and useful tips where the interviewer melted into the background allowing his subject to take centre stage.
Matthew Biggs also won the Guild’s Outstanding Contribution Award. Those who listen to the very long running Gardeners Question Time programme (on BBC Radio since 1947!) may know Matthew from the team of experts but you can read about his long career in gardening and broadcasting here.
I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I was going to put into a hat, the names of all who have supported the podcast over the past couple of years through Buy me a Coffee and Plant Plugs. I have done so and pulled out Diana’s name. So I will be posting a copy of Lally Snow’s book: My Family and Other Seedlings in her direction. Hopefully it will arrive with perfect timing, for curling up on the sofa and reading books about gardens, whilst it perhaps feels a little cold to do much gardening.
I must leave you, I have sourced a picture of an ant - so need to pop a few onto the flower pot. Though I have to say that my friend Andrew in Canada has done a much better job than Google of sourcing a plant gift for my 100 year old friend in Toronto. Andrew has led me a garden centre near her home. An Amaryllis bulb for her to plant and grow (she was a great gardener) will be on its way to her tomorrow!
Have a lovely Christmas