Over to you….

The new wall planner

We may have finished the first series of Plant Stories but never fear the first of the monthly Offshoots will be out next Friday. We’ll be joining Vicky Meads as she takes her hosta plants on tour to flower shows around the country.

I feel like this little podcast is beginning to grow and it’s great that you have joined me on the journey. But I have some questions! What have listeners enjoyed about the podcast so far and how can I build on that as I start to research more plant stories? So over to you! You’ve been kind enough to read this weekly blog, could you spare 5 minutes to fill out a totally anonymous survey, which won’t collect your email address, but simply give me some answers. All you need to do is click the link below and it should take no more than 5 minutes.

Our Plant Stories listener survey

I’ll leave you to it but know that I am truly grateful to everyone of you who takes the time to fill this out …see it as adding a little dose of fertiliser (Growmore or tomato feed) to this gently growing podcast.

Thanks Sally


Off Shoot Hosta

